
Along with the first signs of spring -- longer days, melting snow, budding trees and the grass turning green -- can come the first symptoms of seasonal allergies for many of us. Sneezing, coughing, runny noses and red eyes are just a few of the common symptoms that seasonal allergy sufferers must endure. Symptoms develop when the immune system becomes triggered by something that is generally considered to be inert and non-harmful -- pollen for example. In response, the body releases histamine which causes the symptoms that allergy sufferers dread. What can we do to decrease the reactivity of the immune system to something that is making us feel miserable? One important goal is to try to reduce the number of things we encounter that are putting stress on the immune system. Some of these things may be overlooked -- for example, your diet. Reactions to foods in the gut can generate histamine production which in turn leads to inflammation. While we don’t feel this as typical allergy symptoms, it does increase the work our immune system has to do which takes away from its ability to respond to other immune challenges, like pollen (which of course is much more well known for its role in seasonal allergy!). Just as no two patients are likely to experience the exact same allergy symptoms, and no two patients will have the exact same balance of contributing factors. This is why an individualized approach to care is so important. Luckily, there are many herbal, nutrient and dietary treatment options available that can address the factors above so that you can confidently get out and enjoy the season without having to worry about whether or not you will have enough Kleenex to get you through your hike!


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